Total Elbow Arthroplasty Gives Good Functional Outcome in Distal Humerus Fracture with Pre-existing Chronic Elbow Dislocation
Distal humerus fracture with concomitant chronic elbow dislocation is difficult to manage by open reduction and internal fixation, while total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) is an effective treatment for acute fracture or failed internal fixation of distal humerus fracture in elderly patients with osteoporosis
How Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Is Diagnosed
If you have carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), then you may understand how the symptoms can affect your everyday work and recreational activities. The pain, tingling, and weakness in your hand or fingers may keep you from typing on your computer, writing, or holding items. And one of the most challenging characteristics of carpal tunnel syndrome: getting an accurate diagnosis.
Advice From A Certified Hand Therapist: Why Bite Injuries To The Hand And Arm Are Serious
According to Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity, dog bites are known as the most common type of animal bite in the United States, accounting for 60-90% of all bite wounds. Cat bites only make up 10-15% of animal bites, but they account for a higher number of infections overall. The difference in infection rate occurs because of the difference in mechanism of bites between cats and dogs.
Women with exertional compartment syndrome may have higher recovery rate after fasciotomy
Results presented here showed female athletes who underwent fasciotomy for exertional compartment syndrome may have a greater likelihood of postoperative recovery and greater symptom resolution compared with male athletes.
Ulnar Neuropathy of the Wrist and Elbow
Impingement of the ulnar nerve causes a radiating pain or numbness in the pinky finger, ring finger, and edge of the hand.