Dr. Wayne Weil specializes in complex hand, elbow, and sports medicine surgeries of the upper extremity. He has prepared a number of surgical videos below to help patients better understand their procedures. He is frequently updating his surgical video database, so please check back soon for further updates and new videos.
Supinator Approach to the Lateral Elbow
Total Elbow Replacement
Restoring Thumb Extension with a Tendon Transfer
Clavicle Fracture ORIF with Accumed Plate
Thumb CMC Arthroplasty-Cartiva Implant
Skier’s/Gamekeeper’s Thumb Ulnar Collateral Ligament Repair and Internal Brace
Finger Joint Replacement
Thumb IP Joint Collateral Ligament Repair with Arthrex Internal Brace
Humerus Nonunion
Olecranon Fracture Tension Band Fixation with Arthrex Fiber Tape
Gamekeeper’s Fracture Repair
Endoscopic Ulnar Nerve Decompression
Thumb CMC Joint Arthroscopic Treatment of Arthritis
Volar Plate Reconstruction with Internal Brace
Triceps Tendon Repair
Thumb Basil Joint Arthroplasty- Speed Spiral Technique
Elbow Scope & Arthroscopic Outerbridge
LUCL Repair with Internal Brace
Elbow LCL Repair & Elbow Arthroscopy
Elbow LUCL Reconstruction